Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Camo's Attacks

Attack 1: Sun Blast

Despite the fact that it has a single upgrade, Sun Blast still stands as a fantastic ranged attack. It doesn't get any easier; rapidly press the Attack 1 button to nail enemies at range. Each blast has a chance to knock back enemies. All Portal Masters should purchase Searing Sun Blast as Camo's first upgrade. It makes him much more effective, regardless of which upgrade path (Vine Virtuoso or Melon Master) you choose later in his development.

Attack 2: Firecracker Vines

Initially, Firecracker Vines are difficult to use effectively. They don't have great range, are hard to aim, and their explosions are extremely low damage. Once you purchase a few upgrades, however, their effectiveness improves. Despite these improvements, the power remains unpredictable and chaotic. One of the drawbacks of Firecracker Vines is that it doesn't hold back enemies. Camo lacks a dash ability. This allows melee enemies to move in close while Camo is using Firecracker Vines. Melon Fountain is an effective power, especially when you compare it side-by-side with Firecracker Vines. For that reason, stick with upgrading Melon Fountain.

Attack 3: Melon Fountain

When you use Melon Fountain, Camo jumps into the ground and a ring of giant watermelons form around him. You might not think melons are too dangerous, but then you aren't a troll! Camo's melons are tremendously powerful and each one can hit the same enemy multiple times. Even without damage upgrades, Melon Fountain can really dish out the damage. Once you get Melon GMO, Melon Fountain turns into a tremendously effective attack to use against bosses and large enemies. The trick is to plant the Melon Fountain right next to your target. When the melons explode, they can hit the boss multiple times. With some luck, Camo can dish out 200 damage in one attack! To use Melon Fortress, you need to tap Attack 3 once and then HOLD Attack 3. This way, Camo stays in the melons and uses them defensively. When you release Attack 3, the melons go flying in all directions. You can use this to compensate for Melon Fountain's slow attack speed. Wait for an enemy's opening before releasing.

Soul Gem Ability: Orbiting Sun Shield

This is a fairly ineffective power for Camo. The shield only hits an enemy once and does the same amount of damage as one regular sunburst. Save your gold for other upgrades, saving this one for last.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bash's Attacks

Attack 1: Tail Swipe

Bash's mace tail is his strongest feature. This powerful swipe inflicts massive damage; only some of the Giants inflict as much damage right out the gate. It's so good, that the Granite Dragon Path isn't really even necessary. If you do choose the Granite Dragon Path, Gaia Hammer is one of the highest-damage attacks in the game. It can dish out over 200 damage! The charge takes a moment, but against bosses, it should be your primary attack.

Attack 2: Rock and Roll

For a dash-type attack, Rock and Roll dishes out serious damage. While it's not as fast as other dash attacks, the extra damage more than makes up for it. The end result after buying all the upgrades is a dash-type attack that does more damage than the base mace tail attack, has excellent range (Bash turns into a giant ball once he gets Continental Boulder), and dramatically increases Bash's defense.

Attack 3: Summoning Stone Projection

Stone Projection is an interesting power that gives Bash some range. It does a high amount of damage whether you use the projection as a mid-range area-of-effect attack, or smash the stone to launch a ranged stone. One difficulty of Stone Projection is that it's difficult to aim the ranged attack. It's long range, but it doesn't have much utility since it's so hard to aim correctly.

Wow Pow Power: Rolling Thunder!

When you activate this ability, Bash uses his stone projection to create a ramp, and moments later he slams into the ground with a very wide-range area-of-effect attack. Enemies caught directly in the blast take a lot of damage (approximately double a normal roll attack).

Soul Gem Ability: Triceratops Honor Guard

One of Bash's weaknesses is his low armor. When you purchase this ability, Bash's base Armor stat goes from 12 to 52! That's a huge improvement and lets him hang in tough close-range combat situations longer.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Spyro's Attacks

Attack 1: Flameball

Flameball is slower than most ranged attacks, but it deals better damage than average and has an excellent knockback. It also has plenty of upgrades, increasing range, damage, and number of fireballs. Daybringer Flame is the upgrade to save for last. Attacking with regular Flameballs actually deals more damage in the amount of time it takes to charge and release Daybringer Flame.

Attack 2: Charge

Charge is one of the best dash-type attacks in the game. Once Spyro hits full speed, the damage from the attack more than doubles. Charge also has two great secondary effects. First, Stun Charge unlocks a stun effect. Any enemy hit by the Charge cannot move for approximately 3 seconds. The second effect is a huge knockback. Charge is a fantastic power for crowd control and knocking enemies off of ledges. However, due to its low damage, its tough to unconditionally recommend the Blitz Spyro path over the higher-damaging Sheep Burner Spyro path.

Attack 3: Spyro's Flight 

Flight increases Spyro's speed and can be helpful when navigating dangerous level hazards. While flying, Spyro can use Flameball, but not Charge attacks.

Wow Pow Power: Fireslam

This is a fantastic power that keeps Spyro out of harm's way while slamming enemies with blasts of fire and kinetic energy. This power fundamentally changes how Spyro is played, since flight becomes a much more effective tactic. Use Fireslam against large groups of enemies and against single tough monsters alike.

Soul Gem Ability: Spyro's Earth Pound

This dive bomb attack is a great addition to Spyro's arsenal. It's not quite as good as Fireslam, but it's a great area-of-effect attack with excellent range.

Sunburn's Attacks


Attack 1: Flamethrower Breath

Flamethrower Breath starts out as a decent, medium-range attack. Hold down the attack to fire a continuous stream on nearby enemies. To realize its full potential, you need to upgrade it and use the Blaze Dragon Path. When you have fully upgraded Flamethrower Breath, Sunburn goes through three stages. Each time he increases his stage he gains 100% extra damage per second from Flamethrower Breath. Another nice advantage to Flamethrower Breath is that Sunburn can still move around while using it.

Attack 2: Immolation Teleport

Initially, Immolation Teleport is a difficult power to use effectively. It's difficult to aim against larger enemies, and even if you hit, it does low damage. The key to this attack is the vast number of upgrades available for it. The first important upgrade, Guided Teleportation, automatically shoots 4 lava bursts out in different directions. Select which one you want Sunburn to teleport to and then release Attack 2. Each subsequent upgrade increases the amount of secondary damage the attack does. Eventually, the way you should be using this power is to set up a surprise attack against a nearby enemy by dashing right into them. However, that still leaves that upgrade path inferior to Blaze Dragon. Even with all the upgrades, Immolation Teleport remains hard to use effectively.

Attack 3: Phoenix Dash

While there are no upgrades for Phoenix Dash here, you do get an upgrade via the Soul Gem ability. Phoenix Dash is a good attack that makes Sunburn hard to hit. It also does good damage compared to his other attacks.

Soul Gem Ability: Flight of the Phoenix

This is a fantastic upgrade for Phoenix Dash. Not only does it double the damage the dash attack normally does, but the explosion at the end tacks on extra damage on top of the dash. So if you use the dash against a tough enemy, you can hit them twice with each dash.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Bash's Attacks

Attack 1: Tail Swipe

Bash's mace tail is his strongest feature. This powerful swipe inflicts massive damage; only some of the Giants inflict as much damage right out the gate. It's so good, that the Granite Dragon Path isn't even necessary. If you do choose the Granite Dragon Path, Gaia Hammer is one of the highest-damage attacks in the game. It can dish out over 200 damage! The charge takes a moment, but against bosses, it should be your primary attack.

Attack 2: Rock and Roll

For a dash-type attack, Rock and Roll dishes out serious damage. While it's not as fast as other dash attacks, the extra damage more than makes up for it. The end result after buying all the upgrades is a dash-type attack that does more damage than the basic mace tail attack, has excellent range (Bash turns into a giant ball once he gets Continental Boulder), and dramatically increases Bash's defense.

Attack 3: Summoning: Stone Projection

Stone Projection is an interesting power that gives Bash some range. It does a high amount of damage whether you use the projection as a mid-range area-of-effect attack, or smash the stone to launch a ranged stone. One difficulty of Stone Projection is that it's difficult to aim the ranged attack. It's long-range, but it doesn't have much utility since it's so hard to aim correctly.

Wow Pow Power: Rolling Thunder!

When you activate this ability, Bash uses his stone projection to create a ramp, and moments later, he slams into the ground with a very wide-range area-of-effect attack. Enemies caught directly in the blast take a lot of damage (approximately double a normal roll attack).

Soul Gem Ability: Triceratops Honor Guard

One of Bash's weaknesses is his low armor. When you purchase this ability, Bash's base Armor stat goes from 12 to 52! That's a huge improvement, and lets him hang in tough close-range combat situations for longer periods of time.        

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Flashwing's Attacks

Attack 1: Crystal Shards

This is a great long-range attack. Not only does the Crystal Shard inflict above average damage for a rapid fire attack, but it also proves significant knockback against charging enemies. Once Flashwing unlocks the ability to stick Crystal Shards into nearby walls, this power becomes interesting. Use the crystal embedding to hit tough enemies from behind (Inhuman Shields don't stand a chance!). Unlock Healing Crystals and you can get some extra health whenever you need it (provided you are patient enough; each shard only heals 5 HP every few seconds). Armored Aura increases Flashwing's base armor by 40.

Attack 2: Shimmering Spin

Shimmering Spin is a deadly dash attack that can be used both offensively and defensively. When you get Reflection Deflection, Flashwing's base armor goes over 100 while spinning! The last upgrade in the Super Spinner Path, Lights, Crystal, Action! doesn't add much to Shimmering Spin. The damage output from the laser is low, and you can't aim it. Definitely purchase Crystal Lighthouse first.

Attack 3: Surrounded by Shards

The best part about this power is that it's cheap. While hitting enemies behind Flashwing can come in handy, Surrounded by Shards is not a power you will use often.

Soul Gem Ability: Crystal Lighthouse

This is an astoundingly awesome addition to Flashwing's arsenal. Crystal Lighthouse requires Flashwing to be stationary, but once it's set up, it flashes the battlefield in a huge arc, damaging enemies within the light's radius every few seconds. Even after other powers are upgraded, this is Flashwing's highest-damage attack.   

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cynder's Attacks

Attack 1: Spectral Lightning

Spectral Lightning is a powerful ranged attack that has a good spread and good range and hits any enemies in front of Cynder. You can press the Attack 1 button when using this power, or press and hold it. Cynder suffers reduced movement while the button is held. This power works well with Shadow Dash once you invest in the Unstable Forces power. Hitting ghosts causes them to blow up, which then knocks back enemies. This is good for interrupting any enemy attacks, but a straight lightning attack actually does more damage.

Attack 2: Shadow Dash

Cynder's Shadow Dash doesn't directly damage enemies as she dashes into them. Instead she leaves behind a trail of ghosts that hurt any nearby enemies. This effect is automatic, and is a great bonus to the powerful inherent defensive nature of dash attacks. The cool thing about this power is that Cynder can dash right through enemies. While this doesn't affect the enemies at all, if you invest in Shadow Strike further down the line, it deals a moderate amount of damage on enemies without putting her at risk. The Shadowdancer Path has additional options for Shadow Dash. With a fully upgraded Shadow Dash, the ghosts aggressively attack enemies, slow them down, and do moderate damage. This isn't a great power to use against bosses (except as a defensive maneuver), but it's fantastic against large groups of enemies and in arena fights.

Attack 3: Cynder Flight

Like most other dragons, Cynder has this standard flight ability. Flight is great for increasing speed to help hit level time dares, as well as for avoiding level hazards.

Wow Pow Power: Lightning Rain!

Lightning Rain! is a great addition to Cynder's arsenal. The lightning attack is a medium range area-of-effect and inflicts high damage to everything in the area. This is a great power to use when faced with many smaller enemies, or when fighting enemies while flying.

Soul Gem Ability: Haunted Ally

When you unlock this power, a small purple ghost constantly floats beside Cynder. Whenever enemies get in close range, the Ghost automatically attacks them. The damage and speed of the attack isn't high, but it's automatic, so there's no drawback to using it.     

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Whirlwind's Attacks

Attack 1: Rainbow of Doom

Rainbow of Doom starts out as a normal ranged attack. It does low damage, but the explosion at the end of the rainbow can hit multiple enemies grouped tightly together. While most of the upgrades for this power are straightforward, Rainbow Singularity stands out. Fully charging Rainbow Singularity takes three seconds, but you can move around (at reduced speed) while charging it. Once the attack is charged, releasing the Attack 1 button sends out a small black hole. When it hits an enemy, it creates a gigantic rainbow vortex that sucks in and damages all nearby enemies!

Attack 2: Tempest Cloud

Send out one of these rain clouds, and it slides to a stop a few feet from Whirlwind. Any enemies near the cloud automatically take damage every few seconds as lightning juts out from the cloud. This is a great power because you can release the cloud, then focus on evading enemies. Initially, you only get one cloud, but Triple Tempest is an early upgrade that allows Whirlwind to shoot out three clouds at once, filling the battlefield with damaging dark clouds. Improving the damage via Tempest Tantrum transforms Tempest Cloud from a low/medium damage attack to a high damage attack. Once you get Tempest Matrix, you can actually create a wall of Clouds with arcing electrical blasts that serve as a defensive barrier against charging enemies.

Attack 3: Dragon Flight

Dragon Flight can be helpful for avoiding traps and slime on the ground, and also allows Whirlwind to speed through timed puzzles.

Wow Pow Power: Cloudbursting!

This is a great add-on for Tempest Cloud. The clouds fire off arcing rainbow shots. These rainbow shots are the same power as Whirlwind's regular Rainbow of Doom, so if you upgrade Whirlwind's Rainbow of Doom damage, the Cloudbursting damage increases as well.

Soul Gem Ability

This is a great power to purchase if you are playing Skylanders with a friend in co-op mode. Just shoot a rainbow at a friend to give them some extra health. If you are playing by yourself, it doesn't have any use.      

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Born in the center of an active volcano, Sunburn is part dragon, part phoenix, and 100% firepower. He is very proud of his unique heritage and is the only dragon-and-phoenix hybrid known to exist in Skylands. This rare combination makes him a desirable target for dark wizards and bounty hunters who seek to gain power by unlocking the secrets behind Sunburn's ability to teleport. Joining the Skylanders gave Sunburn a way to help defend the world from evil, but also provided him with protection, as he remains one of the most sought-after creatures in Skylands.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Dragons are smart, but none so much as Drobot. He was born in the highest reaches of Skylands, where dragons spent all their time competing in aerial battles. But Drobot was more interested in taking things apart to see how they worked. While exploring one day, he came across some mysterious technology, which he used to assemble a robotic suit. Features include laser beams that shoot from his eyes, flight enhancement technology, a vocal synthesizer that gives him a deep, booming voice, and the ability to shoot spinning gears. With such power, more than most other dragons, Drobot joined the Skylanders to help protect the residents of Skylands.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Flashwing's true origins are a mystery, but her first appearance came when Bash made a wish that he could fly and looked up to see a shooting star streak across the sky and land in a valley below. In the center of the glowing impact crater was a brilliant geode, which suddenly cracked open to reveal Flashwing. Bash may not have soared that day, but his heart sure did, because Flashwing was beautiful...and lethal. As soon as Bash stepped closer, the gem dragon turned towards him. Not knowing if he was friend or foe, she blasted him off the cliff with a full-force laser pulse from her tail! Perhaps Bash flew that day after all.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Terrible Terror


The smallest of the dragons is the Terrible Terror. This tiny menace is unmistakable, with a small, snakelike body and tiny wings. Terrors can be found roosting in the rafters of Viking barns and under the floorboards of Viking houses. Though a single Terror is too small to carry away a sheep or inflict much damage to a Viking, they are usually found in flocks. The largest on record was a mob of Terrors over two hundred strong. In those numbers, even the strongest Viking can be overwhelmed, and the biggest sheep can be stolen.


Inquisitive and curious animals, their only downfall is their territorial in-fighting.

HAH! Factor:

They spend most of their energy fighting and competing with each other, like bickering siblings.

AHH! Factor:

Though small, their fire blasts are so pinpoint accurate, they're more like sniper bullets than flamethrowers.       

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hideous Zippleback


Of all the dragons that inhabit the world, one of the most unusual and dangerous is the Hideous Zippleback. The Zippleback is one of the largest dragons you may encounter. It is unmistakable, with its twin heads. The heads are distinct, with separate thoughts and different personalities. Like most dragons, the Zippleback can fly, but their wings are small, and they spend most of their time on the ground. Zipplebacks are solitary, preferring to hunt alone. They come out after sundown, prowling dark forests for victims. The attack of the Zippleback is like no other. Instead of breathing fire, the Zippleback makes explosions. One head breathes gas, and the other head...lights it.


This evasive, devious dragon can be a very slithery and tricky opponent. Its two heads can work in tandem (when they want to), to outsmart and attack any foe.

HAH! Factor:

The two heads are distinct, and do not share thoughts. When arguing with itself, the entire beast can stall out, making it completely vulnerable to attack.

AHH! Factor:

One head produces gas, while the other creates a spark. When the two heads combine, it creates a massive explosion of fire.      

Monstrous Nightmare


No dragon is more ferocious or more feared than the Monstrous Nightmare. This gigantic dragon has a long, snakelike neck and tail, and is covered with red scales and long, sharp spines. The Nightmare's gigantic head and mouth can swallow Vikings whole. This dragon can attack any time of the day or night, from the air or on the ground. It is highly aggressive and will never run from a fight. Its fire is thick and sticky, clinging to walls and running down hills like a flaming river. The Nightmare also has a nasty habit of setting itself on fire.


Violent, stubborn, and tenacious. In battle, it's the first to arrive and the last to leave.

HAH! Factor:

It has a tendency to spit fire at off times, unintentionally, like coughing, sneezing, and laughing.

AHH! Factor:

Its attack strategy is to coat itself in fire and attack you as its flaming from nose to tail.      

Thursday, March 14, 2013



One of the toughest dragons in the world is the Gronkle. Gronkles have gigantic heads, short bodies, and round tails. They are lazy, and spend most of their time sleeping in communal heaps. They have even been known to fall asleep while flying, waking only when they crash into the ocean or the side of a mountain. Gronkles have relatively small wings that beat as fast as a hummingbird's. They are slow in the air, but make up for this with their maneuverability. A Gronkle can fly backwards, sideways, and even hover. Gronkles attack from the air, where their primary weapon is most effective. Gronkles chew rocks, melting them in their bellies and firing them as balls of molten lava.


It is relentless, stubborn, and direct, like a compact berserker rhino, yet very loyal to its rider.

HAH! Factor:

Good luck waking up a Gronkle. They have been known to sleep through hailstorms. 

AHH! Factor:

Its tail expands like a ram and will give you a nasty bonk on the head if you make it mad.     

Deadly Nadder


One of the most beautiful dragons in the world is the Deadly Nadder. It is easily recognized by the bright blue body and brilliant yellow spikes that cover it from head to tail. This colorful dragon is active during any time of the day or night. Nadders are quick and agile in the air and can fly for long distances, but will almost always land before attacking. Nadders travel and raid in groups, making them especially dangerous. The Deadly Nadder isn't the largest or the fastest dragon, but it possesses the hottest fire in the dragon world. The blast of a Nadder can melt steel or turn a man to ash in seconds. But the dangers of the Nadder don't stop there. The tail of the Nadder can be whipped around, releasing a volley of giant spikes that can penetrate trees, walls, and Vikings.


It is flighty, aggressive, and has a quick and explosive temper. Its vanity is evident in the generous amounts of time it spends preening itself.

HAH! Factor:

Blind Spot: If you stand in front of a Nadder's nose, it won't be able to see you. Don't sneeze!

AHH! Factor:

Spine Time: Without warning, the prickly Nadder can whip hundreds of sharp spines at you from its tail. Better play nice.    

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Night Fury


The rarest and most intelligent of the known dragon species, the Night Fury is distinguished by its dark color and piercing yellow eyes, as well as its smaller size, heavy chest, and short neck. Possessing the largest wing-to-body ratio of all dragons, it can fly higher, faster, and longer than any dragon, and its incredible power-to-weight ratio renders it capable of vertical takeoff. Its unconventional fire (a semi-solid mass alight with an acetylene/oxygen flame) explodes its target on impact. Its signature attack mode is executed after sundown and from high altitude; enwrapped in its wings, it dives like a bullet, pulling up at the last moment to deliver one precise and explosive burst...then vanishing back into the darkness. The only warning is the ballistic noise the diving Night Fury makes. Its kamikaze attack, along with its cautious behavior and analytical mind, makes the Night Fury a devastating opponent with an extraordinary success rate. To date, no Night Fury has ever been brought down.


Reclusive, analytical, and the most intelligent of the known dragon species.

HAH! Factor:

Picky Eater: If a Night Fury eats something it doesn't like, stand back. Flaming food flies fast.

AHH! Factor:

Kamikaze Bomber: Using the night to hide its dark hide, it dive bombs villages, ships, and armies virtually unseen.   

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Whirlwind's Attack Info

Attack 1: Rainbow of Doom

Rainbow of Doom starts out as a normal ranged attack. It does low damage, but the explosion at the end of the rainbow can hit multiple enemies grouped tightly together. While most of the upgrades for this power are straightforward, Rainbow Singularity stands out. Fully charging Rainbow Singularity takes three seconds, but you can move around (at reduced speed) while charging it. Once the attack is charged, releasing the Attack 1 button sends out a small black hole. When it hits an enemy, it creates a gigantic rainbow vortex that sucks in and damages all nearby enemies!

Attack 2: Tempest Cloud

Send out one of these rain clouds, and it slides to a stop a few feet from Whirlwind. Any enemies near the cloud take damage every few seconds as lightning juts out from the cloud. This is a great power because you can release the cloud, then focus on evading enemies. Initially, you only get one cloud, but Triple Tempest is an early upgrade that allows Whirlwind to shoot out three clouds at once, filling the battlefield with damaging dark clouds. Improving the damage via Tempest Tantrum transforms Tempest Cloud from a low/medium damage attack to a high damage attack. Once you get Tempest Matrix, you can actually create a wall of Clouds with arcing blasts that serve as a defensive barrier against charging enemies.

Attack 3: Dragon Flight

Dragon Flight can be helpful for avoiding traps and slime on the ground, and also allows Whirlwind to speed through timed puzzles.

Wow Pow Power: Cloudbursting!

This is a great add-on for Tempest Cloud. The clouds fire off arcing rainbow shots. These rainbow shots are the same power as Whirlwind's regular Rainbow of Doom, so if you upgrade Whirlwind's Rainbow of Doom damage, the Cloudbursting! damage increases as well.

Soul Gem Ability: Rainbow of Healing

This is a great power to purchase if you are playing Skylanders with a friend in co-op mode. Just shoot a rainbow at a friend to give them some extra health. If you are playing by yourself, it doesn't have any use.  


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Flashwing's Attack Info

Attack 1: Crystal Shards

This is a great long-range attack. Not only does the Crystal Shard inflict above average damage for a rapid fire attack, but it also proves significant knockback against charging enemies. Once Flashwing unlocks the ability to stick Crystal Shards into nearby walls, this power becomes interesting. Use the crystal embedding to hit tough enemies from behind. Unlock Healing Crystals and you can get some extra health whenever you need it. Also, Armored Aura increases Flashwing's base armor by 40.

Attack 2: Shimmering Spin

Shimmering Spin is a deadly dash attack that can be used both offensively and defensively. When you get Reflection Deflection, Flashwing's base armor goes over 100 while spinning! The last upgrade in the Super Spinner path, Lights, Crystal, Action!, doesn't add too much to Shimmer Spin. The damage output from the laser is low, and you can't aim it. Definitely purchase Crystal Lighthouse first.

Attack 3: Surrounded by Shards

The best part about this power is that it's cheap. While hitting enemies behind Flashwing can come in handy, Surrounded by Shards is not a power you will use often.

Soul Gem Ability: Crystal Lighthouse

This is an astoundingly awesome addition to Flashwing's arsenal. Crystal Lighthouse requires Flashwing to be stationary, but once it's set up, it flashes the battlefield in a huge arc, damaging enemies within the light's radius every few seconds. Even after other powers are upgraded, this is Flashwing's highest-damaging attack.     


Sunday, March 3, 2013


Whirlwind is an air dragon with unicorn ancestry, two species that could not be more opposite in nature, which caused her to not quite fit in with either group. Other dragons were envious of her beauty, while unicorns shunned her for her ability to fly. But Whirlwind found peace within the dark and stormy clouds, where she learned to harness the tempest power within her. Despite her turbulent youth, she was the first to defend both dragons and unicorns when the trolls began hunting them, unleashing her ferocity in a brilliant and powerful rainbow that could be seen throughout many regions of Skylands. From that day forward, evildoers would quake when dark clouds brewed, and run from the rainbow that followed the storm.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Spyro's Attack Information

Attack 1: Flameball

Flameball is slower than most ranged attacks, but it deals better damage than average and has an excellent knockback. It also has plenty of upgrades, increasing range, damage, and number of fireballs. Daybringer Flame is the upgrade to save for last. Attacking with regular Flameballs actually deals more damage in the amount of time it takes to charge and release Daybringer Flame.

Attack 2: Charge

Charge is one of the best dash-type attacks in the game. Once Spyro hits full speed, the damage from the attack more than doubles. Charge also has two great secondary effects. First, Stun Charge unlocks a stun effect. Any enemy hit by the Charge cannot move for approximately 3 seconds. The second effect is a huge knockback. Charge is a fantastic power for crowd control and knocking enemies off ledges. However, due to its low damage, it's tough to unconditionally recommend the Blitz Spyro path over the higher-damage Sheep Burner path.

Attack 3: Spyro's Flight

Flight increases Spyro's speed and can be helpful when navigating dangerous level hazards. While flying, Spyro can use Flameball, but not Charge attacks.

Soul Gem Ability: Earth Pound

This dive bomb attack is a great addition to Spyro's arsenal. It's not quite as good as Fireslam, but it's a great area-of-effect attack with excellent range.

Wow Pow Power: Fireslam!

This is a fantastic power that keeps Spyro out of harm's way while slamming enemies with blasts of fire and kinetic energy. This power fundamentally changes how Spyro is played since flight becomes a much more effective tactic. Use Fireslam against large groups of enemies and against single tough monsters alike.