Friday, May 31, 2013

Spyro's Attacks

Attack 1: Flameball

Flameball is slower than most ranged attacks, but it deals better damage than average and has an excellent knockback. It also has plenty of upgrades, increasing range, damage, and number of fireballs. Daybringer Flame is the upgrade to save for last. Attacking with regular Flameballs actually deals more damage in the amount of time it takes to charge and release Daybringer Flame.

Attack 2: Charge

Charge is one of the best dash-type attacks in the game. Once Spyro hits full speed, the damage from the attack more than doubles. Charge also has two great secondary effects. First, Stun Charge unlocks a stun effect. Any enemy hit by the Charge cannot move for approximately 3 seconds. The second effect is a huge knockback. Charge is a fantastic power for crowd control and knocking enemies off of ledges. However, due to its low damage, its tough to unconditionally recommend the Blitz Spyro path over the higher-damaging Sheep Burner Spyro path.

Attack 3: Spyro's Flight 

Flight increases Spyro's speed and can be helpful when navigating dangerous level hazards. While flying, Spyro can use Flameball, but not Charge attacks.

Wow Pow Power: Fireslam

This is a fantastic power that keeps Spyro out of harm's way while slamming enemies with blasts of fire and kinetic energy. This power fundamentally changes how Spyro is played, since flight becomes a much more effective tactic. Use Fireslam against large groups of enemies and against single tough monsters alike.

Soul Gem Ability: Spyro's Earth Pound

This dive bomb attack is a great addition to Spyro's arsenal. It's not quite as good as Fireslam, but it's a great area-of-effect attack with excellent range.

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