Thursday, May 2, 2013

Whirlwind's Attacks

Attack 1: Rainbow of Doom

Rainbow of Doom starts out as a normal ranged attack. It does low damage, but the explosion at the end of the rainbow can hit multiple enemies grouped tightly together. While most of the upgrades for this power are straightforward, Rainbow Singularity stands out. Fully charging Rainbow Singularity takes three seconds, but you can move around (at reduced speed) while charging it. Once the attack is charged, releasing the Attack 1 button sends out a small black hole. When it hits an enemy, it creates a gigantic rainbow vortex that sucks in and damages all nearby enemies!

Attack 2: Tempest Cloud

Send out one of these rain clouds, and it slides to a stop a few feet from Whirlwind. Any enemies near the cloud automatically take damage every few seconds as lightning juts out from the cloud. This is a great power because you can release the cloud, then focus on evading enemies. Initially, you only get one cloud, but Triple Tempest is an early upgrade that allows Whirlwind to shoot out three clouds at once, filling the battlefield with damaging dark clouds. Improving the damage via Tempest Tantrum transforms Tempest Cloud from a low/medium damage attack to a high damage attack. Once you get Tempest Matrix, you can actually create a wall of Clouds with arcing electrical blasts that serve as a defensive barrier against charging enemies.

Attack 3: Dragon Flight

Dragon Flight can be helpful for avoiding traps and slime on the ground, and also allows Whirlwind to speed through timed puzzles.

Wow Pow Power: Cloudbursting!

This is a great add-on for Tempest Cloud. The clouds fire off arcing rainbow shots. These rainbow shots are the same power as Whirlwind's regular Rainbow of Doom, so if you upgrade Whirlwind's Rainbow of Doom damage, the Cloudbursting damage increases as well.

Soul Gem Ability

This is a great power to purchase if you are playing Skylanders with a friend in co-op mode. Just shoot a rainbow at a friend to give them some extra health. If you are playing by yourself, it doesn't have any use.      

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