Thursday, March 14, 2013



One of the toughest dragons in the world is the Gronkle. Gronkles have gigantic heads, short bodies, and round tails. They are lazy, and spend most of their time sleeping in communal heaps. They have even been known to fall asleep while flying, waking only when they crash into the ocean or the side of a mountain. Gronkles have relatively small wings that beat as fast as a hummingbird's. They are slow in the air, but make up for this with their maneuverability. A Gronkle can fly backwards, sideways, and even hover. Gronkles attack from the air, where their primary weapon is most effective. Gronkles chew rocks, melting them in their bellies and firing them as balls of molten lava.


It is relentless, stubborn, and direct, like a compact berserker rhino, yet very loyal to its rider.

HAH! Factor:

Good luck waking up a Gronkle. They have been known to sleep through hailstorms. 

AHH! Factor:

Its tail expands like a ram and will give you a nasty bonk on the head if you make it mad.     

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