Saturday, March 16, 2013

Terrible Terror


The smallest of the dragons is the Terrible Terror. This tiny menace is unmistakable, with a small, snakelike body and tiny wings. Terrors can be found roosting in the rafters of Viking barns and under the floorboards of Viking houses. Though a single Terror is too small to carry away a sheep or inflict much damage to a Viking, they are usually found in flocks. The largest on record was a mob of Terrors over two hundred strong. In those numbers, even the strongest Viking can be overwhelmed, and the biggest sheep can be stolen.


Inquisitive and curious animals, their only downfall is their territorial in-fighting.

HAH! Factor:

They spend most of their energy fighting and competing with each other, like bickering siblings.

AHH! Factor:

Though small, their fire blasts are so pinpoint accurate, they're more like sniper bullets than flamethrowers.       

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