Thursday, June 16, 2016

Death Song

Class: Mystery
Personality: Enticing and siren-like, this species of dragon is decidedly solitary.
Fire Type: Rather than spit fire, Death Songs spew an amber-like substance, which hardens into a cocoon and traps dragons and humans alike.
Hidden Abilities: Similar to its distant Jurassic ancestor, the Death Song possesses extra cervical vertebrae which, when expanded into frills, allow it to project its call to specific targets up to 1 mile away.

Rather than shooting fire, the Death Song spits thick, amber-like substance at its prey to form an impenetrable cocoon. 

Although deceptively beautiful in appearance and melody, the Death Song has a lethal quality that is reminiscent of the Black Widow. Inhabiting a lush island beyond the archipelago, this dragon vocalizes its beautiful and hypnotic siren call in order to lure other dragons, which it then targets as prey. Rather than using fire to attack, the Death Song shoots out a liquid substance which traps and preserves victims as it hardens into a stiff amber cocoon that is penetrable only by flame. Typically, the Death Song chooses to entrap dragons only, but it also preys upon any humans unfortunate enough to make their way to its island. Its key weaknesses are Thunderdrums, which find themselves mostly immune to the Death Song's lethal lullaby due to poor hearing, and small enclosed spaces, which can render it vulnerable to its own song.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Noibat & Noivern


Sound Wave Pokemon

Type: Flying-Dragon
Ability: Frisk
Hidden Ability: Telepathy
Possible Moves: Supersonic, Gust, Air Cutter, Razor Wind
Kalos Pokedex Entry: They live in pitch-black caves. Their enormous ears can emit ultrasonic waves of 200,000 hertz.


Sound Wave Pokemon

Type: Flying-Dragon
Ability: Frisk
Hidden Ability: Telepathy
Possible Moves: Air Slash, Hurricane, Dragon Pulse, Boomburst
Kalos Pokedex Entry: They fly around on moonless nights and attack careless prey. Nothing can beat them in a battle in the dark.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Class: Strike
Personality: Belligerent and as unpredictable as lightning strikes
Fire Type: Summons lightning
Hidden Abilities: They can hibernate in icy glaciers for decades at a time, and emerge as fierce as the day they were frozen.

One of the most mysterious and feared species in the Book of Dragons, the Skrill is aggressive, powerful, and nearly untrainable. Skrills do not breathe fire. Instead, they channel lightning down their metallic spines, firing it from their mouths in a shower of destructive blasts. They can also store this electrical power in their bodies and release it later on. Because of this unique firepower, Skrills tend to gravitate towards stormy weather. If you find yourself flying through a thunderstorm, watch out! Skrills are also tough. They can take a lot of damage in battle, and give as good as they get. However, the Skrill has one cannot fire its lightning from the water. Force a Skrill into the ocean and it loses the upper hand.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Goomy and Goodra

Name: Goomy
Type: Dragon
Ability: Sap Sipper/Hydration
Hidden Ability: Gooey
Possible Moves: Tackle, Protect, Bide, Dragon Breath
Kalos Pokedex Entry: The weakest Dragon-type Pokemon, it lives in damp, shady places, so its body doesn't dry out.

Name: Goodra
Type: Dragon
Ability: Sap Sipper/Hydration
Hidden Ability: Gooey
Possible Moves: Dragon Breath, Body Slam, Muddy Water, Dragon Pulse
Kalos Pokedex Entry: This very friendly Dragon-type Pokemon will hug its beloved Trainer, leaving that Trainer covered in sticky slime.

Monday, May 23, 2016


Altaria may look more like a living cloud than a dragon, but don't be fooled by its adorable, elegant appearance. This Dragon- and Flying-type Pokemon can pack quite a punch in a Pokemon battle! In addition, Altaria now has a Mega Evolution in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (although its Mega Evolution doesn't look any more threatening).

If you are wondering why this adorable Pokemon is this week's "Dragon of the Week", it is because despite looking so adorable, friendly, and non-threatening, Altaria can still be a very powerful Dragon-type Pokemon to have on your team. As of Pokemon X and Pokemon Y, Altaria can also learn the move Moonblast, which is not a Dragon- or Flying-type move at all, but a Fairy-type move! You heard it right. A Dragon-type Pokemon can learn a Fairy-type move. Crazy, man! Next, you'll be telling me that Wigglytuff (a Fairy-type Pokemon) can learn the move Dragon Pulse! Anyway, that's not the only reason Altaria is "Dragon of the Week." Altaria also evolves from the Normal- and Flying-type Pokemon, Swablu. Honestly, can it get any cuter, folks?

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Latios and Latias

Latios and Latias are two of my favorite Dragon-type Pokemon from the Hoenn Region. Known as "Eon Pokemon," they probably don't look much like "traditional" dragons. In fact, they look more like living jet planes...and trust me, they can fly just as fast as one, too! In addition to looking really awesome to begin with, these two Dragon- and Psychic-type Pokemon can also Mega Evolve, although, to be honest, I think the artist who designs the Pokemon could have distinguished their Mega Evolutions a little bit better. I mean, seriously, the only real difference between the two in their Mega-Evolved forms is the color of their eyes. If you look real close, you can tell that Mega Latios has reddish-orange eyes, while Mega Latias has golden-yellow eyes.

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Species: Rumblehorn
Class: Tracker
Personality: Doggedly determined when he's caught a scent
Fire Type: Expels long-range fire "missiles"
Hidden Abilities: Rhino-like battering ram head
About: From the Rumblehorn species, Skullcrusher is part of a previously undiscovered class: tracker class, being that he's the bloodhound of dragons. He can find anything on scent, like when he found Hiccup in Valka's nest, based only on Hiccup's lost helmet. Skullcrusher looks like a truffle pig mixed with a rhino, but much bigger. He has the chitinous green-red iridescent coloring and surfacing of a scarab beetle, and keeps his battle axe-shaped muzzle in the dirt, sniffing things out.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Meatlug (Gronckle)

Species: Gronckle
Class: Boulder
Fire Type: Heptane/Oxygen + Rock= Lava Attack
Hidden Abilities: When Gronckles ingest more than one rock at a time, they will occasionally spit out a brand new substance in lava form.
Personality: Exceedingly demonstrative and sweet, yet quite self-conscious despite her thick hide.
Other Info: Unlike other Gronckles, Meatlug is actually a very sweet and affectionate dragon, especially with her rider, Fishlegs. Meatlug and Fishlegs do everything together: fly, research dragon trivia, and of course, eat!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Barf & Belch (Hideous Zippleback)

Species: Hideous Zippleback
Class: Mystery
Fire Type: Ammonium Nitrate mixed with Anhydrous Hydrazine
Hidden Abilities: In battles, Zipplebacks have the secret ouroboros-like power to bite their own tails and set themselves on fire, taking on the form of a flaming wheel that knocks down their opponents like ten-pins!
Personality: Truly a split personality! Barf and Belch are each fiercely independent, yet inextricably linked.
Description: Much like the twins who ride them, Barf and Belch spend more time bickering than working in concert. The only time they do see eye-to-eye, however, is when enjoying a nice display of destruction...usually caused by Ruffnut and Tuffnut!