Thursday, June 16, 2016

Death Song

Class: Mystery
Personality: Enticing and siren-like, this species of dragon is decidedly solitary.
Fire Type: Rather than spit fire, Death Songs spew an amber-like substance, which hardens into a cocoon and traps dragons and humans alike.
Hidden Abilities: Similar to its distant Jurassic ancestor, the Death Song possesses extra cervical vertebrae which, when expanded into frills, allow it to project its call to specific targets up to 1 mile away.

Rather than shooting fire, the Death Song spits thick, amber-like substance at its prey to form an impenetrable cocoon. 

Although deceptively beautiful in appearance and melody, the Death Song has a lethal quality that is reminiscent of the Black Widow. Inhabiting a lush island beyond the archipelago, this dragon vocalizes its beautiful and hypnotic siren call in order to lure other dragons, which it then targets as prey. Rather than using fire to attack, the Death Song shoots out a liquid substance which traps and preserves victims as it hardens into a stiff amber cocoon that is penetrable only by flame. Typically, the Death Song chooses to entrap dragons only, but it also preys upon any humans unfortunate enough to make their way to its island. Its key weaknesses are Thunderdrums, which find themselves mostly immune to the Death Song's lethal lullaby due to poor hearing, and small enclosed spaces, which can render it vulnerable to its own song.

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