Saturday, February 13, 2016


Species: Rumblehorn
Class: Tracker
Personality: Doggedly determined when he's caught a scent
Fire Type: Expels long-range fire "missiles"
Hidden Abilities: Rhino-like battering ram head
About: From the Rumblehorn species, Skullcrusher is part of a previously undiscovered class: tracker class, being that he's the bloodhound of dragons. He can find anything on scent, like when he found Hiccup in Valka's nest, based only on Hiccup's lost helmet. Skullcrusher looks like a truffle pig mixed with a rhino, but much bigger. He has the chitinous green-red iridescent coloring and surfacing of a scarab beetle, and keeps his battle axe-shaped muzzle in the dirt, sniffing things out.

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