Thursday, December 20, 2012


Zap was born into the royal family of water dragons, but a riptide washed him to a distant sea, where he was raised by electric eels. Growing up, he excelled in everything, and even created a special gold harness that allows him to carry an endless electrical charge and shock things at a great distance. Zap also proved to be a gifted racer, outstripping any opponent...with the possible exception of the dolphins. With them, it became a good-natured challenge to see who could keep up with Zap. But an electric current in his wake often reminded them whom they were dealing with. Despite his mischievous streak, Zap grew to be a true protector of the seas and Skylands.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Terrador is a battle-scarred warrior and the most militant of the four Guardians. Dedicated and focused on the practical art of battle, he is straightforward and agenda-less. His stolid demeanor and skill of speech make him perfect for battle command. Not prone to erratic bounds of meaningless talk (Volteer), prideful boasting (Cyril), or even fiery rage (Ignitus), Terrador is able to keep a level head in the face of greatest danger. He dislikes cowardice, but is wise enough to know when to retreat.

Terrador possesses the heart of a warrior and is the most powerful of the four guardians when it comes down to brute strength. He does not judge others by their appearance or reputation, but by their skills in battle, having much admiration for Spyro, who proved himself in combat at such a young age. He speaks in a low, militant, baritone voice.

Zap's Attack Information

Soul Gem Ability

Since there are so few areas with Water in Skylanders Giants (mostly behind Elemental Gates), this is an optional purchase. If you want to complete Zap's upgrades, go for it. Otherwise, save the money for unlockables.

Attack 1: Lightning Breath

Lightning Breath is a lightning burst attack. Without upgrades, it does very low damage. However, keep investing in upgrades for it, and it soon becomes Zap's mainstay attack. It is particularly important to use in combination with Sea Slime Slide.

Attack 2: Sea Slime Slide

When you press Attack 2, Zap slides forward, leaving a trail of slime behind him. This slime does not damage enemies, but it does cause enemies to get stuck. You can electrify this Sea Slime with Zap's Lightning Breath to hurt enemies trapped by the slime. Sea Slime is quick, and it can make Zap almost impossible to hit as long as you keep moving.

Attack 3: Wave Rider

Wave Rider is a tricky power to master. It has a slow build up, but once it releases, you can ride it to safely run through and damage enemies. Wave Rider's damage is moderate, but it can be released to hit enemies at a long range. If you stay on the wave once it has started, you can steer its direction.

Wow Pow Power: For Riley!

This is a great addition to the Wave Rider power. It makes Wave Rider much more effective. When you hit the Attack 3 button, the wave explodes, inflicting solid damage to any enemies nearby.   



Monday, December 10, 2012


Bash spent most of his early dragonhood staring into the sky, watching the flying creatures of Skylands soar amongst the clouds. Determined to join them, he learned how to curl himself into a ball and roll with incredible momentum in a vain attempt to take flight. Over the years, his skin hardened, forming a natural protective armor unlike any other creature. He now thunders through Skylands, leaving a wake of destruction against any who threaten it. Despite his thick skin, he still gets a bit touchy about his inability to fly.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Flashwing's Attack Info

Attack 1: Crystal Shards

This is a great long-range attack. Not only does the Crystal Shard inflict above average damage for a rapid fire attack, but it also provides significant knock-back against charging enemies. Once Flashwing unlocks the ability to stick Crystal Shards into nearby walls, this power becomes interesting. Use the crystal embedding to hit tough enemies from behind (Inhuman Shields don't stand a chance!). Unlock Healing Crystals and you can get some extra health whenever you need it (provided you are patient enough; each shard only heals 5 HP every few seconds).

Attack 2: Shimmering Spin

Shimmering Spin is a deadly dash attack that can be used both offensively and defensively. When you get Reflection Deflection, Flashwing's base armor goes over 100 while spinning! The last upgrade in the Super Spinner path, Lights, Crystal, Action!, doesn't add too much to Shimmer Spin. The damage output from the laser is low, and you can't aim it. Definitely purchase Crystal Lighthouse first.

Attack 3: Surrounded by Shards

The best part about this power is that it's cheap. While hitting enemies from behind Flashwing can come in handy, Surrounded by Shards is not a power you will use often. 

Soul Gem Ability: Crystal Lighthouse

This is an astoundingly awesome addition to Flashwing's arsenal. Crystal Lighthouse requires Flashwing to be stationary, but once it's set up, it flashes the battlefield in a huge arc, damaging enemies within the light's radius every few seconds. Even after other powers are upgraded, this is Flashwing's highest-damage attack.     

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Chronicler

The Chronicler is a wizened and ancient dragon dwelling in the Celestial Caves, deep within the White Isle. He was thousands of years old and contained immeasurable wisdom and knowledge. Living in isolation for over 1,000 years, the Chronicler is a well-learned dragon with a flare for the dramatic when it comes to speech. The nature of his role as the Chronicler makes him a firm believer in destiny, and he often reminds Spyro that "sometimes our paths are chosen for us, and it is our destiny to follow them, wherever they might lead." The Chronicler is also the keeper of dragon history, guarding their best kept secrets and maintaining the lore of dragonkind for future generations.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Born in the center of an active volcano, Sunburn is part dragon, part phoenix, and 100% firepower. He is very proud of his unique heritage and is the only dragon-and-phoenix hybrid known to exist in Skylands. This rare combination makes him a desirable target for dark wizards and bounty hunters who seek to gain power by unlocking the secrets behind Sunburn's ability to teleport. Joining the Skylanders gave Sunburn a way to help defend the world from evil, but also provided him with protection, as he remains one of the most sought-after creatures in Skylands.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Hunter is a skilled cheetah warrior from the Valley of Avalar. When Spyro, Cynder, and Sparx did not return to the Dragon Temple after the fall of Gaul the Ape King, Ignitus sent Hunter to help find them, and Hunter has been tracking Spyro ever since. A member of the Cheetah Tribe, Hunter is a very different soul from his normally reclusive tribesmen. Unlike the rest of his tribe, who share a fearful mistrust of dragonkind, Hunter ultimately respects the dragons and has a lot of faith in Spyro and the rest of the dragon race, being sensible enough to understand that Malefor is the one at fault for his tribe's constant misfortunes.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Sparx is the offspring of Spyro's adoptive dragonfly parents. He and Spyro grew up together in the swamps, where they spent many a lazy afternoon playing games of hide-and-seek with each other. Though Sparx gives Spyro a hard time for being so different, he has a strong, brotherly bond with Spyro and would do anything for him. The two remain best friends through the good times and the bad.

Sparx follows Spyro around throughout his adventure. When bad things happen, Sparx's natural reaction is to crack jokes and make light of the situation. Sparx makes lights in other ways as well--the natural glow that shines from his small body brightens up dark places, helping Spyro see what dangers lie ahead.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


The Dark Master

Dragon prophecies speak of the rare purple dragons with a mix of reverence and fear. As the first purple dragon ever born, Malefor proved a quick study in the dragon arts, mastering all of the elemental breath attacks. As his power and knowledge grew, Malefor became corrupt, turning to evil in his quest for more and greater power.

Fearing the prophecies' promise of the birth of a second purple dragon, Malefor led a raid on the Dragon Temple, seeking to capture the egg. Ignitus had hidden Spyro's egg, but Malefor did not leave empty-handed, having stolen Cynder's egg. Raising the young black dragon and penetrating her mind, Malefor used the young Cynder in another grab at power, only to be banished at Spyro's hands. Released years later by Gaul the Ape King, Malefor continues his mad quest and will stop at nothing to bring about the end of the world.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Terrible Terror


The smallest of the dragons is the Terrible Terror. This tiny menace is unmistakable, with a snake-like body and tiny wings. Terrors can be found roosting in the rafters of Viking barns and under the floorboards of Viking houses. Though a single Terror is too small to carry away a sheep or inflict much damage to a Viking, they are usually found in flocks. The largest on record was a mob of Terrors over two hundred strong. In those numbers, even the strongest Viking can be overwhelmed, and the biggest sheep can be stolen.


Inquisitive and curious animals, their only downfall being their territorial in-fighting.

HAH! Factor:

They expend most of their energy fighting and competing with each other like bickering siblings.

AHH! Factor:

Though small, their fire blasts are so pin-point accurate, they're more like sniper bullets than flame throwers.


Ignitus is the Guardian Dragon of fire, and leader of the dragons. He is often calm and collected, but when in battle, has been known to break out into fits of fury, using his fire ability to great effect. He blames himself for everything that has happened to Spyro and Cynder, and he carries that guilt throughout the trilogy. His faith in Spyro is utterly unwavering, and he is a devout believer in the Ancestors, truly believing that Spyro is nature's way of balancing itself against Malefor's evil.

Definitely the most dedicated of the four Guardians, Ignitus is still haunted by his past failures and seeks to redeem himself. Equally capable of warmth, rage, and long, smoldering bouts of shame, resentment and regret, he keeps his distance from the other three Guardians: Volteer, Cyril, and Terrador. When the time comes, however, he is only too glad to enlighten others, stoke the embers of hope, and stand in the face of fire that others might burn even brighter. Ignitus is also seen as a proud, father-like figure and mentor to Spyro, providing him with words of wisdom and leading him on the right path.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


As an egg, Cynder was stolen by Malefor, the Dark Master's forces and born under his evil influence. After all this, Malefor used his dark magic to transform Cynder into a monstrous, black dragon, with a personality that was truly horrible, who cared about nothing but freeing her master with the dark crystals.

After Spyro freed her from Malefor's grasp, Cynder felt responsible for the suffering she caused everyone, especially Spyro. As time passed, however, Cynder realized that Spyro really cares about her and started to care about him in the same way. Her friendship with Spyro eventually blossoms into true love due to his heartfelt understanding of her. Spyro also showed Cynder that it wasn't her error, and the young black dragon quickly takes on a more positive attitude, even admitting her love for Spyro.

Despite her damsel-in-distress role in The Eternal Night, Cynder is far from passive and demure and is indeed strong-willed. Like all heroines, she is cunning, intelligent, witty, resourceful, brave, spirited, determined, independent, and not afraid to speak her mind. No longer a pawn of the Dark Master, Cynder now stands wing to wing with Spyro against Malefor's final assault, hoping to redeem her past and save her future.


Born in the Year of the Dragon, Spyro is a rare purple dragon prophesized to bring hope to the world. Spyro is young and compassionate for others, and he is always willing to help them, no matter what happens. He is adventurous, curious about his past, and eager to shape his future. Spyro shows the recklessness of an adolescent at times, but he is slowly growing into the role as a leader of a proud species. He's a little naive about the ways of the world, but eager to learn and grow.

Hideous Zippleback


 Of all the dragons that inhabit the world, one of the most unusual and dangerous is the Hideous Zippleback. The Zippleback is one of the largest dragons you may encounter. It's unmistakable, with its twin heads. The heads are distinct, with separate thoughts and different personalities. Like most dragons, Zipplebacks can fly, but their wings are small, and they spend most of their time on the ground. Zipplebacks are solitary, preferring to hunt alone. They come out after sundown, prowling dark forests for victims. The attack of the Zippleback is like no other. Instead of breathing fire, a Zippel makes explosions. One head breathes gas, and the other head...lights it.


This evasive, devious dragon can be a very slithery and tricky opponent. Its two heads can work in tandem (when they want to), to outsmart and attack any foe.

HAH! Factor:

The two heads are distinct and do not share thoughts. When arguing with itself, the entire beast can stall out, making it completely vulnerable to attack.

AHH! Factor:

One head produces gas while the other creates a spark. When the two heads combine, it creates a massive explosion of fire.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monstrous Nightmare


No dragon is more ferocious, or feared, than the Monstrous Nightmare. This gigantic dragon has a long, snake-like neck and tail and is covered with red scales and long, sharp spines. The Nightmare's head and mouth can swallow Vikings whole. This dragon can attack any time of the day or night, from the air or on the ground. It is highly aggressive and will never run from a fight. Its fire is thick and sticky, clinging to walls and running down hills like a flaming river. The Nightmare also has a nasty habit of setting itself on fire.


Violent, stubborn, and tenacious. In battle, it's the first to arrive and the last to leave.

HAH! Factor:

Has a tendency to spit fire at off times, unintentionally, like coughing, sneezing, and laughing

AHH! Factor:

Its attack strategy is to coat itself in fire, and attack you while it's flaming from nose to tail.


Friday, November 2, 2012



One of the toughest dragons in the world is the Gronkle. Gronkles have gigantic heads, short bodies, and round tails. Gronkles are lazy and spend most of their time sleeping in communal heaps. They have been known to fall asleep while flying, waking only when they crash into the ocean or into the side of a mountain. Gronkles have relatively small wings that beat as fast as a hummingbird's. They are slow in the air, but make up for this with their maneuverability. They can fly backwards, sideways, and even hover. Gronkles attack from the air, where their primary weapon is most effective. Gronkles chew rocks, melting them in their bellies and firing them as balls of molten lava.


It is relentless, stubborn, and direct, like a compact berserker rhino, yet very loyal to its rider.

HAH! Factor:

Good luck waking up a Gronkle. They've been known to sleep through hailstorms.

AHH! Factor:

Its tail expands like a ram and will give you a nasty bonk on the head if you make it mad.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Flashwing's true origins are a mystery, but her first appearance came when Bash made a wish that he could fly and looked up to see a shooting star streak across the sky and land in a valley below. In the center of the glowing impact crater was a brilliant geode, which suddenly cracked open to reveal Flashwing. Bash may not have soared that day, but his heart sure did, because Flashwing was beautiful...and lethal. As soon as Bash stepped closer, the gem dragon turned towards him. Not knowing if he was friend or foe, she blasted him off the cliff with a full-force laser pulse from her tail! Perhaps Bash flew that day after all.

Deadly Nadder


One of the most beautiful dragons in the world is the Deadly Nadder. It is easily recognized by its bright blue body and brilliant yellow spikes that cover it from head to tail. This colorful dragon is active at any time of the day or night. Nadders are quick and agile in the air and can fly for long distances, but will almost always land before attacking. Nadders travel and raid in groups, making them especially dangerous. The Deadly Nadder isn't the largest or fastest dragon, but it possesses the hottest fire in the dragon world. The blast of a Nadder can melt steel or turn a man to ash in seconds. But the dangers of the Nadder don't stop there. The tail of the Nadder can be whipped around, releasing a volley of giant spikes that can penetrate trees, walls, and Vikings. 


It is flighty, aggressive, and has a quick and explosive temper. It's vanity is evident in the generous amounts of time it spends preening itself.

HAH! Factor:

If you stand right in front of a Nadder's nose, it won't be able to see you. Don't sneeze!

AHH! Factor: 

Without warning, the prickly Nadder can whip hundreds of sharp spines at you from its tail. Better play nice.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Night Fury


The rarest and most intelligent of the dragon species, the Night Fury is distinguished by its dark color and piercing yellow eyes, as well as its smaller size, heavy chest, and short neck. Possessing the largest wing-to-body ratio of all dragons, it can fly higher, faster, and longer than any other dragon, and its incredible power-to-weight ratio renders it capable of vertical takeoff. Its unconventional fire (a semi-solid mass alight with an acetylene/oxygen flame) explodes its target on impact. Its signature attack mode is executed after sundown and from high altitude--enwrapped in its wings, it dives like a bullet, pulling up at the last moment to deliver one precise and explosive burst...then vanishing back into the darkness. The only warning is the ballistic noise the diving Night Fury makes. Its kamikaze attack, along with its cautious behavior and analytical mind, makes the Night Fury a devastating opponent with an extraordinary success rate. To date, no Night Fury has ever been brought down.


Reclusive, analytical, inventive, and the most intelligent of the known dragon species.

HAH! Factor:

If a Night Fury eats something it doesn't like, stand back. Flaming food flies fast.

AHH! Factor:

Using the night to hide its dark hide, it dive-bombs villages, ships, and armies virtually unseen.


Toothless is the Night Fury dragon off of the Dreamworks animated film How to Train Your Dragon. In the story, a young Viking named Hiccup defies Viking tradition when he befriends this dragon instead of killing it, like most Vikings would have done. By spending time with this dragon, who he names Toothless, Hiccup learns that everything Vikings know about dragons is wrong, and together, he and Toothless set out to bring peace between both their worlds.

Monday, October 29, 2012


Dragons are smart, but none so much as Drobot. He was born in the highest reaches of Skylands, where dragons spent all their time competing in aerial battles. But Drobot was more interested in taking things apart to see how they worked. While exploring one day, he came across some mysterious technology, which he used to assemble a robotic suit. Features include laser beams that shoot from his eyes, flight enhancement technology, a vocal synthesizer that gives him a deep, booming voice, and the ability to shoot spinning gears. With such power--more than most other dragons--Drobot joined the Skylanders to help protect the residents of Skylands.


Hatched at the roots of the Tree of Life, Camo is half-plant and half-dragon, with effervescent life energy flowing through his scaly leaves. This power allows him to cultivate fruits and vegetables at a highly accelerated rate, which causes them to explode when they ripen. Camo's unique gift caught the eye of Master Eon, initially because he was hungry and tried to eat a melon that exploded in his face. But upon realizing his true power, Eon convinced Camo to help the Skylanders protect their world.


While just an egg, Cynder was stolen by the henchmen of an evil dragon named Malefor and raised to do his bidding. For years, she spread fear throughout the land until she was defeated by Spyro the dragon and freed from the grip of Malefor. But dark powers still flow through her, and despite her desire to make amends for her past, most Skylanders try to keep a safe distance...just in case.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Spyro hails from a rare line of magical purple dragons that come from a faraway land few have ever traveled. It's been said that the Scrolls of the Ancients mention Spyro prominently...the old Portal Masters having chronicled his many exciting adventures and heroic deeds. Finally, it was Master Eon himself who reached out and invited him to join the Skylanders. From then on, evil faced a new enemy...and the Skylanders gained a valued ally.