Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Camo's Attacks

Attack 1: Sun Blast

Despite the fact that it has a single upgrade, Sun Blast still stands as a fantastic ranged attack. It doesn't get any easier; rapidly press the Attack 1 button to nail enemies at range. Each blast has a chance to knock back enemies. All Portal Masters should purchase Searing Sun Blast as Camo's first upgrade. It makes him much more effective, regardless of which upgrade path (Vine Virtuoso or Melon Master) you choose later in his development.

Attack 2: Firecracker Vines

Initially, Firecracker Vines are difficult to use effectively. They don't have great range, are hard to aim, and their explosions are extremely low damage. Once you purchase a few upgrades, however, their effectiveness improves. Despite these improvements, the power remains unpredictable and chaotic. One of the drawbacks of Firecracker Vines is that it doesn't hold back enemies. Camo lacks a dash ability. This allows melee enemies to move in close while Camo is using Firecracker Vines. Melon Fountain is an effective power, especially when you compare it side-by-side with Firecracker Vines. For that reason, stick with upgrading Melon Fountain.

Attack 3: Melon Fountain

When you use Melon Fountain, Camo jumps into the ground and a ring of giant watermelons form around him. You might not think melons are too dangerous, but then you aren't a troll! Camo's melons are tremendously powerful and each one can hit the same enemy multiple times. Even without damage upgrades, Melon Fountain can really dish out the damage. Once you get Melon GMO, Melon Fountain turns into a tremendously effective attack to use against bosses and large enemies. The trick is to plant the Melon Fountain right next to your target. When the melons explode, they can hit the boss multiple times. With some luck, Camo can dish out 200 damage in one attack! To use Melon Fortress, you need to tap Attack 3 once and then HOLD Attack 3. This way, Camo stays in the melons and uses them defensively. When you release Attack 3, the melons go flying in all directions. You can use this to compensate for Melon Fountain's slow attack speed. Wait for an enemy's opening before releasing.

Soul Gem Ability: Orbiting Sun Shield

This is a fairly ineffective power for Camo. The shield only hits an enemy once and does the same amount of damage as one regular sunburst. Save your gold for other upgrades, saving this one for last.